Did you know that the frequency of financial scams targeting individuals has escalated recently? Regrettably, fraudsters are becoming more cunning, employing various strategies to deceive unsuspecting victims. They may impersonate officials from well-known organizations or banks, making it challenging to identify them. These swindlers might contact you through phone calls, emails, or even face-to-face encounters. 

One tactic these scammers employ is manipulating people into withdrawing large amounts of cash and instructing them to either mail the money or make it available for pick-up by fake couriers or representatives of an organization. This approach exploits the victims' trust and encourages them to participate in a fraudulent scheme. 

As a result, it's crucial to remain cautious and be aware of any red flags:

Unexpected Requests: Be wary of unexpected calls or messages requesting large cash withdrawals. Legitimate organizations will not make such demands.

Pressure Tactics: Scammers often use high-pressure tactics, claiming urgency or dire consequences if you don't comply. Take your time and verify any suspicious requests.

Confirm Contacts: If you receive an unexpected request, independently confirm the contact's legitimacy. Call the organization directly using a trusted phone number, not the one provided by the caller. Also, don't be embarrassed to discuss this call with a family member or friend to get their feedback. 

Trust Your Instincts: If something feels off, trust your instincts. Do not hesitate to contact us or the relevant authorities to report any suspicious activity.

Remember, First Commonwealth and other reputable organizations will never ask you to withdraw large sums of cash. If you have doubts or concerns, please get in touch with us directly.